Welcome to OJEU.eu

What is the OJEU

The Official Journal of the European Union is the gazette of record for the European Union. It has been published in 22 official languages (23 when Irish is required) of the member states, every working day since the Treaty of Nice entered into force on 1 February 2003. The OJEU superseded the earlier Official Journal of the European Community (OJEC) with the establishment of the European Union.

The term 'Journal' is misleading, as production of the hard copy version ceased in 1997, and can now be accessed online via Tenders Direct

Around 2500 new notices are advertised every week - these include invitations to tender, prior information notices, qualification systems and contract award notices. Purchasing Authorities can use the eProcurement portal, myTenders to publish OJEU and lower value tenders.

The Official Journal comprises three series:

  • The L Series contains EU legislation including regulations, directives, decisions, recommendations and opinions.
  • The C Series contains EU information and notices including the judgments of the European Courts, calls for expressions of interest for EU programmes and projects; public contracts for food aid; etc.
  • The supplementary S series contain invitations to tender which can be found at Tenders Direct

Supplement S contains invitations to tender for the following:

  • Contracts for works, supplies and services from public sector organizations in all EU Member States;
  • Contracts from utility companies operating in the water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors;
  • Contracts from EU institutions;
  • European Development Fund contracts (ACP countries);
  • Phare, Tacis and other contracts from central and eastern Europe;
  • European Investment Bank, European Central Bank and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development financed projects;
  • European Economic Area contracts (Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein);
  • Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) from Switzerland;
  • Notices concerning European economic interest groups (EEIGs);
  • Public contracts for air services.

All three series of the OJEU are published every working day (5 days a week). Approximately 160,000 invitations to tender are published each year, of which more than 14,000 are from the UK or Ireland.

The Publications Office of the European Union (L’Office des publications de l’Union européenne, or OPOCE) is responsible for the production of the OJEU. OPOCE is based in Luxembourg and employs a staff of 655.